Newbies invited to a Young Professionals Gala

Hello Newbies,
An invitation has been extended to the Newbies to attend the inaugural gala for the Young Professionals Association (YPA) here in Sudbury.
If you are aged 20 to 35 you may be interested in joining in this event!
The intent of the Young Professionals Association is to bridge the following gaps that currently existin Greater Sudbury:
Lack of networking opportunities for future young leaders;
Leverage employment opportunities or self-employment to participants (retain youth in Greater Sudbury);
Provide tools to young adults to better enable their participation in the localmarket;
Raise awareness of programs and events geared to future young leaders.
When:Friday,April 7th, 2006
Time: 8pm at the Inco Cavern, Science North
Musical entertainment by "REX HOLMES AND THE CHEETAH'S" will provide funk, disco, rock entertainment throughout the evening.
Appetizers will be served and there will be a cash bar.
The dress code is 'business casual'.
Cost: $15- purchase tickets online in advance at
Tickets are limited and we encourage advance purchase to ensure your spot to this unique event.
Susa and Nathalie will be at the event volunteering at the registration table.
The Young Professionals Association will provide opportunities for young professionals between the ages of 20 to 35 years old to meet on a regular basis,to build relationships and to share perspectives through networking events, educational seminars and conference type events. This introductory event will symbolize the association's official launch.
Please contact the Regional Business Centre at 688-7582 or register at to purchase your tickets.
More details contact:
Martin RondeauYoung Ambassadors' Development Officer
Agent de développement des jeunes ambassadeursCity of Greater Sudbury Ville du Grand Sudbury
Tel.: (705) 674-4455 ext. 4415
Fax.: (705) 671-6767
See you there!