Cosmic Glow in the dark bowling!
Hello Sudbury NEWBIES, Bonjour encore à tous!Thanks to all of you who braved the cold and made it out to our NEWBIES Ice Capades on Ramsey Lake Feb. 19th. We had the largest turn out of new newbies at one event... 7 newcomers to the group for a total of 17 of us who braved the wind and bitter cold!
We played a few icebreakers on the lake and then headed up for some hot chocolate and socializing at Landings Restaurant. (They have the best hot chocolate and homemade cheesecake!)
And now, with the messy melting of March upon us, it’s time for some indoor activities. As per popular request, we will be having a fun night of glow in the dark cosmic bowling! The tunes will be rockin’ and the balls will be rollin’ while we parade around in fashionable shoes. It will be a fantastic fun time and you can brush up on your bowling and dancing skills at the same time!
Pour ceux et celles qui aiment jouez au quilles nous aurons une superbe soirée de quilles cosmiques. Les allées de quilles ordinaires se transforment alors en piste de danse avec l'aide d'effets spéciaux et d'une musique excitante. Portez votre chemise blanche préférée pour maximiser l’effet des lumières ultraviolettes!

TIME/Rendez-vous : March 25 mars 7:45pm (jeux/games 8pm-10 pm)
Cost/Coût: Rock and Glow Bowl: $4.25 & Shoe Rental: $1.75 (Souliers)
Restaurant and Bar within plaza bowl called King Pin if you happen to work up a sweat and get thirsty!
Location:1799 Garden Street

For more information visit Plaza Bowl's website:
Please confirm your attendance by March 22nd 2006. Email/Courriel Réserver votre place avec nous:
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