Thursday, April 17, 2008

Earth Day Festival!

Bonjour Newbies,

Just a quick reminder that the Earth Day Festival is happening this Saturday, April 19th at the Market Square from 10:00am to 5:00pm.

Un rappel pour le Festival Journée de la Terre qui aura lieu à la Place du marché ce samedi de 10h00 à 17h00.

Pour de plus amples informations / for more information :

Il y aura aussi un festival de film mardi le 22 avril (Journée de la Terre!) au Cinéma Rainbow de 19h00 à 21h00. Les billets sont $8.00.

Venez célébrer la planète avec nous!

In addition to the Greater Sudbury Earth Day Festival on Saturday April 19th the Greater Sudbury Environmental Network (GSEN) is also hosting an Earth Day Film Fest

Tuesday April 22nd (EARTH DAY!) from 7-9pm at Rainbow Cinemas - Downtown Sudbury

Tickets: $8.00. Get yours today at Black Cat or at the Greater Sudbury Earth Day Festival.

Come celebrate the planet with us!