Let them eat local cheese!
Bonjour Newbies!First, a public interest announcement!
As we witness the spring regreening around us, it is time to celebrate the Earth once again. Earth Hour in March kicks off this annual awareness campaign and it is continued with Earth Day celebrations around the globe. Sudbury’s annual Earth Day celebrations will be happening this Saturday (April 17th) at the Market Square. For more info visit:
Avec les feuilles qui apparaissent, c’est le temps de célébrer la Terre. Sudbury marque cette célébration chaque année avec l’évènement Festival de la Terre qui aura lieu ce samedi, 17 avril à la Place du marché au centre ville. Pour plus d’info visitez :
www.rethinkgreen.ca (document en français)
As mentionned in our last email, there will be some changes happening at the Sudbury Newbies. We have an idea of where we would like to go but would also like to hear any suggestions you may have. To this end, on Earth Day we will be meeting at Old Rock (the 93 Durham street location in the Librairie Grand Ciel Bleu) at 1:30pm for a coffee powered discussion. Anyone interested in sharing their thoughts are welcome to join us. Make sure you take in EarthDay. It is always a great event!
Let them eat local cheese!
As for our next event, we will be visiting Eat Local Sudbury’s new location at 176 Larch st. where we will be introduced to what this group is doing for the community. Following this presentation we will enjoy a variety of local cheeses and, well, since you can’t have cheese without a little wine, we invite you to bring along your favourite bottle. And in Newbies fashion, be prepared to share a little story about why you chose your particular wine for the evening.
Soyez des nôtres pour une visit à Eat Local Sudbury et prenez conscience de se qu’il font dans notre communauté. Suivant une petite présentation, nous dégusterons des bons fromages de la région. Et, qui peut manger du fromage sans un verre de vin? Alors apportez votre bouteille préféré mais soyez prêt à partager la raison pour votre choix.
Quand? Saturday May 29 at 7pm!
Where? 176 rue Larch (Carte)
Cost? $3? (Depending on attendance to cover the cost of the cheese.)
RSVP by May 26th so that we know how much cheese to order.
Have a great day and see you at Earth Day!!
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