Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sudbury Newbies May activity- can you dig it?

Hello/Bonjour les Newbies,

Welcome to the newest newbies, we've been getting your emails and hope to meet you at our next event happening Sunday May, 25th.

Now that the weather is getting warmer and summer is just around the corner... we thought it might be nice for all of us to get outside!

Join us for an official May newbies activity... can you dig it... Tree Planting Party along Junction Creek followed by a Birthday BBQ.

  • Sunday, May 25 2008 at 1:30pm
  • Meet at 122 Mountain Street
  • BBQ around 4:00pmish
  • BYOBeverages, hot dogs, veggie dogs or whatever you feel like cooking up.

Bring any newbies (young and old) you may have encountered in Greater Sudbury.

Wear clothing you can comfortably dig in.
The more the merrier!
RSVP by calling 705-222-1851 or by emailing

It would be great if you could let us know by Monday of this long weekend if you can attend.

We are looking for Newbies who want to get "down and dirty with us" for our tree planting party spring festivities. We are joining forces with the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee who has a creek rehabilitation tree planting program.

The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee plants trees along various sections of the creek to create shade, to prevent erosion, and to provide a "buffer" of vegetation to prevent harmful substances from entering the creek.

This photo is the site where we will be rehabilitating the land. It is known as the "Jane Goodall" site because when Jane Goodall was in Sudbury in 2002, she released brook trout just across the creek from the steep, rust-coloured hill you see in the photo.

The hill is covered by mining waste rock that was put there some 20 years ago by the City, to prevent the bare soil from erosion. Unfortunately, the rock is very acidic and so very few plants were able to live on the hill. A few years ago, Junction Creek began planting on the hill.

We will be planting bearberry, a low-lying shrub which spreads nicely and does well in rocky locations.

All the equipment will be provided by Junction Creek. After the tree planting, we will be having a Birthday BBQ for Nathalie who is turning another year older! The goal is to plant more trees than Nathalie's new age.

We will be meeting at Nathalie's house before walking across the street to the site, you can leave any food items at the house.

House location:122 Mountain Street. Sudbury,+Sudbury&daddr=&sll=46.49613,-80.987313&sspn=0.898089,1.856689&ie=UTF8&ll=46.49613,-80.987313&spn=0.014033,0.029011&z=15

We hope you'll join us in the regreening of Sudbury! We know you can dig it!

Pierre, Susa and Nathalie are looking forward to meeting many of you this May!

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pour les Newbies Francophones- Salon du Livre ce weekend

Salut les Newbies Francophones!

Alors, je voulais vous invités au Salon du livre ce weekend le 10-11 mai.

C est la 3ieme édition, et il y en a plein a voir! Des auteurs adultes, et de jeunesses de partout du Canada. Ainsi que des spectacles de musique (ainsi Dimanche soir) Zachary Richard. Ainsi que plein d' animations et de causeries.

Le Marché des Fermiers est complètement transformer.

Pour plus de détails rendez-vous au Marché sur la rue Elm et coin de Durham.

J'y serai sur place toute la fin de semaine.

Pour plus de details visitez et pour voir des photos virtuelles
For newbies looking for something to do this weekend there is the French Book Festival! But wait, its not just a book festival There are musicalshows including famous fiddlers the McDades, activities for families, discussions, games and much more!
You dont have to be French to have a good time! Check out the Downtown Market Square on the corner of Elm & Durham. You can miss it, the Market Square is completely transformed with huge tents! There are even bicycles you can borrow for free to discover the downtown.
Make sure to check it out. I will be at the event all weekend under the Blue Skies of Sudbury.
Nathalie :)

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