Wanup Wilderness Adventure

The Newbies head to river and forest for the long weekend. We will paddle a stretch of the Wanapitei River and hike in the forest surrounding Wanup. Venez vous amuser en nature! Nous explorerons une rivière et la forêt de Wanup.

We shall meet at 8:30 am, Sunday morning to set up camp. Those of you who want to arrive, set up and sleep over on Saturday are welcome to do so. From base camp we shall shuttle to the start point. The paddle will be 18 km with a couple easy portages. Somewhere along the river we shall stop for lunch. The trip ends at a great set of rapids from which we shall return to base camp and prepare dinner. We will have a fire Sunday evening so bring some snacks to skewer and roast. The adventure continues on Monday when you can either, jump back in the canoe and explore some different waterways, or strap on the hiking boots and tramp through the forest.
Notre aventure débute dimanche matin à 8h30 (ou, si vous voulez, vous pouvez arriver samedi) quand nous monterons notre camp de base. Après une journée de canotage et un bon souper de groupe, nous relaxerons autour d’un feu de camp. Lundi matin c’est le retour à l’aventure. Vous avez le choix de retourner en canoë ou entreprendre une rendonné pédestre en forêt.
N’oubliez pas de nous communiquer ce que vous apporterez pour le chili végétarien. Et n’oubliez pas votre dîner pour dimanche et votre petit déjeuner lundi.
Please remember to RSVP by Thursday what you plan to bring for the potluck vegetarian chili. Please also remember that you are responsible for your Sunday lunch and Monday breakfast.
Drive South on highway 69 until you get to highway 537 (sign for Wanup). Turn left on 537 and head into Wanup. Follow 537 through and out of the village. You will cross train tracks followed by a bridge over the Wanapitei River and, immediately, another set of tracks (you will want to slow down for these). Just after this second set of tracks, you will turn right on Sabourin Rd. and drive 2.1 km. (This is a gravel road and may be rough, depending if the grader has passed or not.) As you come up a hill, look for a multicoloured school bus on your right. You have arrived!
Let us know if you can offer a ride or need a ride.
Vous pouvez aussi cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour voir une carte de la région.
Map of the area.
Have a great week Newbies and stock up on your B vitamins. Supposedly it helps keep mosquitoes away.
Your Newbies Crew