Bonjour Newbies (and future Newbies),
We have been on hiatus since November 2010 (raising our son). During this time we have also acquired the sudburynewbies.ca domain and have been working on a website. We hope to be live soon and organizing more events for newcomers to Sudbury.
Have a great summer!
Your Newbies Crew
High Falls!
Bonjour Newbies!
We hope you had a wonderful summer and were able to enjoy all the sunshine and heat!!
This next gathering takes us to a beautiful spot just North of Sudbury along hwy 144: the High Falls (aka Onaping Falls). There are also hiking trails and a great hill for sliding this winter as Susa’s mom and aunt did last January.

Pour cette sortie, nous visiterons les High Falls, juste au nord de Sudbury sur l’autoroute 144. Il y a aussi une piste pour randonnée pédestre et une colline qui est parfaite pour aller glisser cet hiver comme l’ont fait la mère et la tante de Susa en janvier.
We will leave from Market Square at 1pm on Sunday, October 24 so that those unfamiliar with the way can follow. Please let us know if you will require a ride or can offer a ride. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather and a hike (not too long) and bring some snacks and water.
Nous quitterons la Place du marché à 13:00, dimanche, le 24 octobre. Laissez nous savoir si vous avez besoin d’un tour ou si vous pouvez offrir un tour. Portez du linge et des chaussures appropriés selon la journée et apportez-vous une collation et de quoi à boire.
RSVP : sudburynewbies@yahoo.ca
Have a great week!
Your Newbies Crew
Let them eat local cheese!
Bonjour Newbies!
First, a public interest announcement!
As we witness the spring regreening around us, it is time to celebrate the Earth once again. Earth Hour in March kicks off this annual awareness campaign and it is continued with Earth Day celebrations around the globe. Sudbury’s annual Earth Day celebrations will be happening this Saturday (April 17th) at the Market Square. For more info visit:
www.rethinkgreen.caAvec les feuilles qui apparaissent, c’est le temps de célébrer la Terre. Sudbury marque cette célébration chaque année avec l’évènement Festival de la Terre qui aura lieu ce samedi, 17 avril à la Place du marché au centre ville. Pour plus d’info visitez :
www.rethinkgreen.ca (document en français)
As mentionned in our last email, there will be some changes happening at the Sudbury Newbies. We have an idea of where we would like to go but would also like to hear any suggestions you may have. To this end, on Earth Day we will be meeting at Old Rock (the 93 Durham street
location in the Librairie Grand Ciel Bleu) at 1:30pm for a coffee powered discussion. Anyone interested in sharing their thoughts are welcome to join us. Make sure you take in EarthDay. It is always a great event!
Let them eat local cheese!As for our next event, we will be visiting
Eat Local Sudbury’s new location at 176 Larch st. where we will be introduced to what this group is doing for the community. Following this presentation we will enjoy a variety of local cheeses and, well, since you can’t have cheese without a little wine, we invite you to bring along your favourite bottle. And in Newbies fashion, be prepared to share a little story about why you chose your particular wine for the evening.
Soyez des nôtres pour une visit à
Eat Local Sudbury et prenez conscience de se qu’il font dans notre communauté. Suivant une petite présentation, nous dégusterons des bons fromages de la région. Et, qui peut manger du fromage sans un verre de vin? Alors apportez votre bouteille préféré mais soyez prêt à partager la raison pour votre choix.
Quand? Saturday May 29 at 7pm!
Where? 176 rue Larch (
Cost? $3? (Depending on attendance to cover the cost of the cheese.)
RSVP by May 26th so that we know how much cheese to order.
Have a great day and see you at Earth Day!!
Newbies Ice Capades VI
Bonjour Newbies!
February is upon us and so it is time for the Newbies 6th Annual Ice Capades on Lake Ramsey. Bring your skates and if you know of someone who has just arrived to Sudbury, bring them along as well.
C’est le temps de l’année pour notre 6e Newbies - Fantaisie sur glace sur le lac Ramsey. Apportez vos patins et si vous connaissez quelqu’un qui vient d’arriver à Sudbury, apportez-les aussi.
Rencontrez nous à la porte d’entrée principale de Science Nord à 13h00, samedi le 27 février. Après nous irons déguster des desserts et une boisson chaude au café Williams sur la rue Elm au centre ville.
Meet us at the main entrance to Science North on Saturday February 27th at 1:30pm. After the skate, we shall enjoy some tasty treats and some hot beverages at Williams coffee shop downtown on Elm street.
R.S.V.P.: sudburynewbies@yahoo.ca
Have a great day et à bientôt!!
Your Newbies Crew
Bonjour Newbies,
We hope you are enjoying spring. It is always wonderful to see plants wake from their long winter slumber!
Aaaah le printemps! Le chant des oiseaux, le soleil qui nous chauffe…les insectes qui nous piquent! Mais nous pouvons quand même observer les étoiles à l’abri des moustiques. Soyez des nôtres pour une soirée au planétarium Doran à l’Université Laurentienne.
Since 2009 is the International Year of Astronomy, for our next event we will turn our gaze skyward…well, at least in this structure you have to look up. Join us for an evening at the Doran Planetarium at Laurentian University. The Doran is the largest planetarium in Ontario and one of a dozen or so scattered around the country. It is truly a local treasure!
Paul-Émile Legault, the planetarium Director, will guide us on a journey through our solar system and beyond.
When: Monday, May 25 at 7:00pm
Where: We shall meet in the Fraser Auditorium Foyer at Laurentian University at 6:45pm.
To get there: Turn right onto University Rd. from Ramsey Lake Rd. The Fraser Auditorium is number 9 on the
Campus map.
The cost is $3 per person. Children 6 and up are welcome and free.
Space is limited...well, actually it is infinite...but the planetarium has a limited number of seats so please let us know if you will be attending by sending an email to sudburynewbies@yahoo.ca.
Have a great long weekend!
Your Newbies Crew
Newbies Ice Capades V
Wow…..the fifth annual Newbies skate on Ramsey lake!
Yes, it is time to relive our childhood pleasures or brave a new winter activity. Perhaps you miss the feel of cold ice on your butt or have never felt the thrill of the wind blowing by your cheeks as you glide effortlessly along.
Il y a longtemps que vous n’avez pas patiné? Vous ne l’avez jamais fait? Il n’y a rien de plus excitant que le vent qui rougi nos joues ou la glace qui refroidi nos fesses! Alors soyez des nôtres samedi le 21 février à 13h00 à l’entrée principale de Science Nord pour le Newbies Ice Capades V. Après notre excursion sur le lac, nous irons prendre un thé et dessert à Infusion Teas, 178 rue Elgin.
We will meet at 13h00 at the main entrance to Science North on Saturday February 21st. After a refreshing skate, we will enjoy some tea and treats at the new tea shop in town, Infusion Teas, located at 178 Elgin St. So if you are not up to the skate, feel free to join us at Infusion. We should be there between 14h00 and 14h30.
Please R.S.V.P. at sudburynewbies@yahoo.ca if you plan on coming.
À bientôt!!
Your Newbies Crew
Newbies' Christmas Cookie Cook-Off
Bonjour Newbies!
We hope you have been enjoying all this snow! Il faut profiter de ces bonnes conditions de neige pour faire du ski de fond! Our next event will, however, be indoors.
Join us for the Newbies’ Christmas Cookie Cook-Off. Bring your favourite cookie (or other sweets) recipe along with the ingredients needed to prepare your treat as we get together to bake for ourselves and for others. We will of course get to sample each others treats, share recipes and take some home, but half of these sweets will be donated to the Elgin Street Mission. They will be served that same evening at the peak of their freshness.
Soyez des nôtres pour partager votre recette préférée de biscuits (ou gâteau) de Noël. Apportez la recette ainsi que les ingrédients nécessaires. Nous allons préparer ces délices pour en déguster mais aussi pour les offrir à l’Elgin Street Mission. La Mission les servira aux participants de leur souper ce soir là.
The Newbies’ Christmas Cookie Cook-Off details :
WHEN: Saturday, December 6th, from 1 to 3 pm
WHERE: Centre de Santé Communautaire 19 Frood Rd.
(on the other side of Elm St. across from the Market Square)
If you plan to attend, please R.S.V.P. by sending a message to sudburynewbies@yahoo.ca
Envoyez nous un message si vous venez.
À bientôt!
Your Newbies Crew
Halloween Fright!!
Bonjour Newbies!
We hope you have enjoyed this wonderful autumn!!
Soyez des nôtre pour une visite à Terre dynamique et leur Tunnel de la terreur. Cette activité aura lieu le mercredi, 29 octobre à 18h45. Laissez nous savoir si vous voulez venir et les enfants âgés de plus de 8 ans (recommandé par Terre dynamique) sont aussi les bienvenus. Le coût est de 7,50$ par personne.
Join us for a visit of Dynamic Earth’s Tunnel of Terror. We will meet at 6:45pm on Wednesday the 29th of October. Let us know if you are coming and children over the age of 8 (suggested by Dynamic Earth) are also welcome. The cost is $7.50 per person.
If you need a ride or would like to offer a ride, please let us know so that we can arrange some car pooling.
Laissez nous savoir si vous avez besoin d’un tour ou vous pouvez offrir un tour.
À bientôt and see you soon!!!
Your Newbies Crew
Discover the Beauty!
Bonjour Newbies!!
We hope you are enjoying June! Since the beginning of summer is almost upon us, we thought it would be a great idea to visit one of our natural beauties in the area. The water levels have been quite high this spring and so Onaping High Falls should be impressive at the moment. We also thought we would wait until the end of June for this event in order to maximize our chances that the black fly season would be over!
L’été est presqu’ici alors il est donc le temps de visiter une de nos beauté naturelle dans la région! Avec la précipitation que nous avons eu cet hivers et printemps, les niveaux d’eau sont tel que les chutes Onaping High doivent être impressionnantes. Nous planifions cette activité pour la fin du mois pour (on l’espère) éviter les petites mouches noires!
Soyez des nôtres pour une petite randonnée pédestre dans les sentiers près des chutes!
Détails :
Samedi le 28 juin à 13h30
Les chutes sont situées sur la route 144 au nord de Sudbury (carte). Le point de rencontre sera la Place du marché au centre ville sur la rue Elm. Nous pourrons ensuite voyager ensemble.
RSVP votre participation et laissez nous savoir si vous voulez faire du covoiturage (l’offre ou le besoin d’un tour) en nous envoyant un courriel au :
Join us for a hike on the trails around the falls!
Saturday, June 28th at 1:30pm
The falls are on Hwy 144 North of Sudbury (map). We shall meet downtown at Market Square on Elm st. We can then follow each other out to the falls.
RSVP your participation and let us know if you want to car pool (offer or need a ride) by sending us an email at:
La St. Jean Baptiste sera fêtée au parc Sacré-Cœur sur la Notre-Dame du 20 au 24 juin! Visitez le site Internet pour plus d’information.
For all Francophones and Francophiles, the St. Jean Baptiste celebrations will be occurring at Sacré Coeur Park on Notre-Dame avenue (across from the Food Basics). Visit their website for more info (French content).
Happy Spring!!
Your Newbies Crew
Sudbury Newbies May activity- can you dig it?
Hello/Bonjour les Newbies,
Welcome to the newest newbies, we've been getting your emails and hope to meet you at our next event happening
Sunday May, 25th.Now that the weather is getting warmer and summer is just around the corner... we thought it might be nice for all of us to get outside!
Join us for an official May newbies activity...
can you dig it...
Tree Planting Party along Junction Creek followed by a
Birthday BBQ.
EVENT DETAILS: - Sunday, May 25 2008 at 1:30pm
- Meet at 122 Mountain Street
- BBQ around 4:00pmish
- BYOBeverages, hot dogs, veggie dogs or whatever you feel like cooking up.
Bring any newbies (young and old) you may have encountered in Greater Sudbury.
Wear clothing you can comfortably dig in.The more the merrier!RSVP by calling 705-222-1851 or by emailing sudburynewbies@yahoo.caIt would be great if you could let us know by Monday of this long weekend if you can attend.

We are looking for Newbies who want to get "down and dirty with us" for our tree planting party spring festivities. We are joining forces with the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee who has a creek rehabilitation tree planting program.
Junction Creek Stewardship Committee plants trees along various sections of the creek to create shade, to prevent erosion, and to provide a "buffer" of vegetation to prevent harmful substances from entering the creek.
This photo is the site where we will be rehabilitating the land. It is known as the "
Jane Goodall" site because when Jane Goodall was in Sudbury in 2002, she released brook trout just across the creek from the steep, rust-coloured hill you see in the photo.
The hill is covered by mining waste rock that was put there some 20 years ago by the City, to prevent the bare soil from erosion. Unfortunately, the rock is very acidic and so very few plants were able to live on the hill. A few years ago, Junction Creek began planting on the hill.
We will be planting bearberry, a low-lying shrub which spreads nicely and does well in rocky locations.
All the equipment will be provided by Junction Creek. After the tree planting, we will be having a Birthday BBQ for Nathalie who is turning another year older! The goal is to plant more trees than Nathalie's new age.
We will be meeting at Nathalie's house before walking across the street to the site, you can leave any food items at the house.
House location:122 Mountain Street. Sudbury
We hope you'll join us in the regreening of Sudbury! We know you can dig it!
Pierre, Susa and Nathalie are looking forward to meeting many of you this May!
Labels: New to Sudbury, regreening of Sudbury, tree planting