Bringing in the New Year 2008
Happy New year to all the newbies!

We have a few things on the go for February 2008.
For those of you interested in practicing your French, join me for the community theatre play Devinez Qui adapted from Agatha Christie's murder mystery theatre (And then there were none) at the Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario.
Also, another theatrical event is The Vagina Monologues at the Fraser Auditorium
Friday, February 1st & Saturday, February 2nd at Thorneloe Theatre
$25 for Adults,
$15 for Students/Seniors
All proceeds from the event will be going to the YWCA - Genevra House
Tickets available at the main office in Thorneloe or Black Cat Too.
**there is also a pay-what-you-can "open rehearsal" at Thorneloe theatre -
8pm Thursday, Jan. 31st.
If you are interested in attending contact Cheryl (a fellow Newbie) who was generous enough to forward this information to us. Her email is:
Our Main February Sudbury newbies event is a Winter Walkathon on Sunday, February 10th, 2008. This event is hosted by the Friends of the Roxborough and the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee.

You! Your family! Your class! Your group!
to participate in a
Winter Walkathon
to Support the Roxborough Greenbelt
Sunday February 10th, 1:00-3:00pm, start and finish at Tom Davies Square
¬ Build a snow sculpture!
¬ Participate in a scavenger hunt!
¬ Enjoy a hot drink along the way!
Register on-line at or call 525-8736 or 673-1874 and start collecting pledges or make a donation on the day of the event.
All funds raised will be part of a community contribution to establish the Roxborough Greenbelt (the land bordered by Kingsmount Blvd and Riverside Dr , from Winchester Dr to Junction Creek) as a public greenspace. In order to establish the greenbelt as greenspace, a community contribution of $50,000 is required, of which $41,000 has already been raised by the Friends of the Roxborough Greenbelt – only $9,000 to go!
Call Alison525-8736 or Naomi at 673-1874
Otherwise, see you at Tom Davis Square- dress to stay warm (bring snowshoes if you've got some)
Also in February, I'm organizing a mini-ski trip to Searchmont in Sault-Ste-Marie on the Family Fun weekend.

If you are a snowboarder or skier and would like to join me and fellow newbies Greg Younger-Lewis and Michelle for some downhill skiing and snowboarding fun...we still have room for 2-3 people in the Studio Suites at the Inn the Spruce.
Leaving Friday February 15th after work and returning Monday February 18th
We would be sharing a large one room studio apartment that accommodates up to 6 people with a full kitchen, rec room and hot tub. We would be carpooling, sharing groceries and gas expenses. If you're looking for a fun weekend and want to hit the biggest slopes in the area... give Nathalie a call at 705-222-1851. Leave me a message with your name and number and I will call you back to give you more details.
Join us for an official Newbies St-Patrick's Day Party on March 15th, 2008.

Criteria: (Green hors D'oeuvre or only Green beer bottles or wine bottles!)
Lastly, we are looking for volunteers for the 3rd Annual Earth Day Festival happening on Saturday, April 19th 2008 at the Market Square. Last year, over 5000 people attended with green exhibitors, local food and musical entertainment.

Email us at if you are interested in volunteering and being part of this great event!
If you have any event ideas, upcoming activities feel free to send them along to us... you can post your comments on our blog or on Facebook "New to Sudbury Group" where you can also post comments.
Hope to see you soon!
Labels: activities Devinez Qui, Green Party for St-Patrick's, New to Sudbury, Searmont ski trip, Winter Walkathon
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