Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Summertime Cortina Cruisin'

Hi all, Bonjour!
All aboard...The newbies crew (Pierre, Susa, Nathalie) would like to invite you to climb on board with us on the Ramsey Lake Cortina Cruise .
Nous aimerions vous invitez au bord du bateau Cortina pour une vue spectaculaire du lac Ramsey. Ce n'est pas à manquer!
Date:Thursday July 20th, 2006.
Boarding time: 7:15pm Science North down by the docks
Cruise time/Heure:7:30pm-9:30pm
Enjoy a beautiful view of Lake Ramsey at dusk, including ice breaker games and snackfood and cash bar.
Children welcome a board!
Capacity/Capacité: 30 people
Price/Prix:- (priceless)- but $15 per adult/ 5$ Children (Pay in advance if possible)
Confirm your spot callNathalie 674-1685 or email:sudburynewbies@yahoo.ca
See you soon,
Your newbies crew