Junction Creek Clean Up!!
Bonjour Newbies,
We hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful spring.!!
First, a big thank you is sent to Carole and Luc of Old Rock Coffee House for an informative presentation/demonstration and a great evening!!
Un grand merci à Carole et Luc du Old Rock pour une soirée merveilleuse!!
It was also very nice seeing some Newbies at Earth Day in April. And in keeping with the environment theme, this month’s event will be a Junction Creek Clean Up followed by a BBQ pot luck at Nathalie’s place.
Après le succès de la Journée de la terre, nous voulons continuer le thème de l’environnement et nous organisons pour le mois de mai un nettoyage d’une section du Junction Creek suivie d’un BBQ chez Nathalie.
On Sunday, May 27th, we will meet at 09:30 at Nathalie’s place at 122 Mountain Street (see map). After everyone has arrived and dropped off their provisions for the BBQ, we shall proceed to the section of Junction Creek that we will be cleaning (a short walk from Nat’s place). The clean up will go from 10:00 to noon after which it is back to Nat’s for the BBQ.
R.S.V.P. à sudburynewbies@yahoo.ca et lisez le message ci-dessous de Allison Muckle, Coordonatrice du Junction Creek Stewardship Committee.
R.S.V.P. by sending a message to sudburynewbies@yahoo.ca.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Bonne journée,
Your Newbies Crew
Here is a message from Allison Muckle, Coordinator of the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee.

The Sudbury Newbies are invited to help clean-up the section of Junction Creek between Agnes and Leslie Street. Junction Creek is Sudbury's main urban waterway, which runs from Garson, all the way past Lively and into Mud Lake. The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee has been coordinating regular clean-ups of the creek involving over 4000 volunteers since 1999. So far, approximately 40,000kg of garbage has been removed from the creek!
We hope you will be able to join us on May 27th to help continue the clean-up effort! Please wear old clothing and rubber boots if you have them. The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee will be supplying garbage bags, gloves and hip waders.
For the health of the creek, please follow these 4 tips:
* Leave fallen branches and rocks in the creek. They provide habitat for creek-dwelling creatures and increase the turbulence of the water to improve aeration of the water.
* Be careful to leave shoreline vegetation intact. Shoreline vegetation helps prevent erosion and provides shade to keep the water temperature cool.
* Avoid disturbing sediment where possible. Dredging up a lot of mud and sediment can smother the eggs of fish and invertebrates.
* Be careful! Avoid deep areas of the creek, stay out of strong currents and watch out for holes or rocks that could cause injury.
For more information about Junction Creek, please visit our website at www.junctioncreek.com.
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