Stop your wineing and bring some fromage!
Hey Newbies !!! Bonjour les Newbies!!
Sorry, another late announcement for the upcoming event, but hopefully not too late to get you out for a fun night at the Gallery Nouvel-Ontario (174 Elgin Street-a few doors down from Laughing Buddha) .We are planning a pot luck wine and cheese on Thursday the 27 th of october at 19.00 hours. So bring your favourite wine or cheese (if you feel like splurging bring both) and a quick story to share with everyone about your favourite bottle or anything that is related to it...
Alors apportez votre vin et fromage préfèré lors de cette soirée. Nous voulons entendre vos histoires àprepos de votre bouteille. Deplus, si vous avez de la musique d'ambience emmener vos CD car nous pourrions peut être aussi y danser!

Bring any type of music that you think the whole world should know about, and we play it.
If you can spare 2$, we will donate it to the Gallery du Nouvel-Ontario for letting us use their space.
Si vous pouvez donner 2$, ceci va aller à la Gallery.
Please RSVP by emailing us at :
We look forward to seeing you again and meeting many more newbies!
Cheers et santé und natuerlich "Prost"
Nathalie & Susa
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