Sunday, March 13, 2005

We skated the day away!

What a wonderful Sunday afternoon! We, the Sudbury Newbies spent the majority of the afternoon getting to know each other in a Canadian way... skating. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and after a little game of tag we were all warmed up.
We even had a visitor, Lara, from the Sudbury Star who wanted to know more about this new group and maybe even join us for a Sunday skate. So keep your eyes posted for the Sudbury Newbies' article in the paper.
For some of us it was the first time skating on Ramsey and for others, well it has become a new Sudbury Sunday tradition. We even had the chance to see a huge quinsie (a snow cave). This quinsie was made buy a guy named Chris Whissell, a local Sudburian who loves to play in the snow.
Après que nous avions patiné nos 6 kilomètres, nous étions près pour une activité sans patins! Alors pourquoi pas allé prendre un petit chocolat chaud ou un café? Mais où aller? Pourquoi pas au café Williams Coffee.
After a few hours we decided it was time to warm up at a coffee shop downtown called William's Coffee Pub, where we had a variety of warm beverages and some delicious desserts!
We spent sooo much time socializing that we didn't even realize it was nearly 5pm and the cafe was closing for the day!!
What a great sunny Sunday in Sudbury!